EthosConnect API reference

Utility Functions

EthosConnect provides a variety of utility functions that you might find useful while developing on Sui.


TransactionBlock from the @mysten/sui.js is provided as a top level export for convenience:

import { ethos, TransactionBlock } from 'ethos-connect'


Check to see if the owner of a wallet or a signer has a given asset type. Takes the convenience param type which is the type of the object or the more complex filter which provides more flexible search options.

import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { ethos } from 'ethos-connect';

const { wallet } = ethos.useWallet();

useEffect(() => {
    const userHasNFT = async () => {
        return await ethos.checkForAssetType({
            type: '0x72f9c76421170b5a797432ba9e1b3b2e2b7cf6faa26eb955396c773af2479e1e::game_8192::Game8192'
}, [])

The return object will be of type PaginatedObjectsResponse.


The ethos.dripSui({ address, network, faucet }) call takes a valid wallet address and will attempt to drip Sui into the wallet. This can be helpful to ensure users can use your dApp if they do not yet have Sui. This feature is only available on devnet and testnet.

import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { ethos } from 'ethos-connect'

function App() {
  const { wallet } = ethos.useWallet()

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!wallet) return

      network: "", 
      faucet: "", 
      address: wallet.address 
  }, [wallet])

  return <div>Wallet balance: {wallet?.suiBalance || '---'}</div>


The ethos.formatBalance(suiBalance) vall takes the suiBalance of a wallet in mist and converts it to Sui.

import { ethos } from 'ethos-connect'

function App() {
  const { wallet } = ethos.useWallet()

  return (
      <p>Mist: {ethos.formatBalance(wallet?.suiBalance)}</p>
      <p>Sui: {wallet?.suiBalance}</p>

lookup (not active)

The ethos.lookup(addressOrName) call takes either the address of an on-chain wallet (e.g. 0x56e69614585a2430d0ae7e6ab69cff3f8116d51d) or a SuiNS name. If an address is provided the lookup will return the associated name if one exists. If the name is provided then the lookup will provide the address associated with that name.

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { ethos } from 'ethos-connect'

function App() {
  const [name, setName] = useState<string | undefined>()
  const { wallet } = ethos.useWallet();

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!wallet) return;

        (n) => setName(n)
  }, [wallet])

  return (
      Name: {name || 'searching...'}


The ethos.truncateMiddle(address) call takes any string and truncates the middle. You can optionally specify the number of digits to display on either side of the truncation ethos.truncateMiddle(address, length)

import { ethos } from 'ethos-connect'

function App() {
  const { wallet } = ethos.useWallet()

  return <div>Address: {truncateMiddle(wallet?.address, 4)}</div>