EthosConnect API reference


EthosConnect ships with hooks to interact with the wallet and Sui blockchain.


This hook gives you information about the user's wallet. Click the name of each to jump to an example of its implementation.

PropertyReturn typeDescription
clientSuiClientA read-only connection to the Sui blockchain.
statusEthosConnectStatusWallet connection status. loading means EthosConnect is searching for a cached wallet. no_connection means the search is complete, and no connected wallet was found. connected means that a wallet has been successfully connected and the wallet object may be used.
walletWalletThe connected wallet with convenience attributes and methods for getting the wallet address, teh wallet contents, signing transactions, etc.


The client is your read-only connection to the blockchain. You can see objects owned by an address, read transactions, and more.


The status object can be used to tell you if a wallet is connected to your site or if EthosConnect is in the process of detecting if the users has a connected wallet.

status returns one of three possible states of the EthosConnectStatus enum:

  • loading
  • no_connection
  • connected

Note that the status is loading if the user is being shown the connect wallet popup, and will resolve to no_connection if they reject the connection or close the popup, or connected if they connect their wallet.

They can be used like so:

import { ethos, SignInButton, EthosConnectStatus } from 'ethos-connect'

function App() {
  const { status } = ethos.useWallet()

  return (
      {status === EthosConnectStatus.Loading ? (
      ) : status === EthosConnectStatus.NoConnection ? (
          No wallet connected
          <SignInButton />
      ) : (
        // status is EthosConnectStatus.Connected
          Wallet connected
          <TheRestOfTheApp />


The wallet object is what is used for the majority of calls related to the user's wallet.

The name provided by the wallet, if any (can be undefined).


The icon provided by the wallet, if any (can be undefined).


A pre-loaded attribute to get the connected wallet's address.

import { ethos } from 'ethos-connect'

function App() {
  const { wallet } = ethos.useWallet()

  return <div>Address: {wallet?.address}</div>


** Work-In-Progress **

A pre-loaded attribute containing complete account information including the address, name, icon, type, publicKey, etc. for the currently connected wallet.


A list of all accounts that have provided connection permission to the dapp.


Used to get the wallet's SUI balance, other token balance, and NFTs. Returns an object of type WalletContents. The contents will update every few seconds providing up-to-date information about the contents of the connected wallet.

The contents includes:

suiBalance - The total amount of Mist (the lowest denomination of Sui) in the connected wallet.

tokens - A breakdown of all tokens in the connected wallet. Presented as a map with the token name as the key and an object with list of coins and the overall balance as the value for each token.

Example: { "0x2::sui::SUI": { balance: 500000, coins: [...] }}

nfts - An array of all non-coin objects in the connected wallet.

import { ethos } from 'ethos-connect'

function App() {
  const { wallet } = ethos.useWallet()

  if (!wallet) return <></>

  const { suiBalance, tokens, nfts } = wallet.contents;

  return (
      Balance: {suiBalance}
      Tokens: {
        for (let tokenName in tokens) {
          let token = tokens[tokenName];
          return (<>
            {tokenName}: {token.balance}
      NFTs: { => {
          return <>


Disconnects the user's wallet. Returns void.

import { ethos } from 'ethos-connect'

function App() {
  const { wallet } = ethos.useWallet()

  return <button onClick={wallet.disconnect}>Sign Out</button>


Used to sign and submit a transaction to the blockchain. Takes a TransactionBlock along with 'options' on what information to include in the response and how quickly to return the response with 'requestType'. It returns a Promise<SuiTransactionBlockResponse>.

This function is frequently used in dApps and is evolving on the Sui blockchain. The TransactionBlock allows for multiple transactions to be chained together in one atomic transaction that can be quite complex.

import { useCallback } from 'react'
import { ethos, TransactionBlock } from 'ethos-connect'

function App() {
  const contractAddress = '0x1cbfdf7de5004f887705fa53bb345d4372e5004bd8b04a6f8868f5e1ca1af9c7'
  const { wallet } = ethos.useWallet()

  const mint = useCallback(async () => {
    if (!wallet) return

    try {
      const transactionBlock = new TransactionBlock();
      const nft = mintTransactionBlock.moveCall({
        target: `${contractAddress}::ethos_example_nft::mint`,
        arguments: [
          mintTransactionBlock.pure("Ethos Example NFT"),
          mintTransactionBlock.pure("A sample NFT from Ethos Wallet."),
        mintTransactionBlock.pure('0xb0e24ba1afc3d2f5e348b569e72e94cf20ec2cecf3cd27edea1c3ad628e5374c', 'address')

      const response = await wallet.signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({
        options: {
          showInput: true,
          showEffects: true,
          showEvents: true,
          showBalanceChanges: true,
          showObjectChanges: true,

      console.log("Transaction Response", response)
    } catch (error) {
  }, [wallet])

  return <>...</>


As blockchain games are becoming more on-chain and on-chain interactions less expensive, it becomes sluggish to request the user to sign each individual transaction. Some wallets, (Ethos Wallet) being the first, allow for users to safely preapprove transactions. This allows the app to sign multiple transactions within a strict set of guidelines.

Learn more in our blog post about preapproving transactions and our fully on-chain game, Sui 8192

Takes a Preapproval and returns a Promise<boolean> denoting if the user accepted the request. The parameters are:

  • packageObjectId: The objectId of the package you are calling.
  • objectId: The objectId of the object that will be mutated.
  • module: The module name that contains the function you are calling.
  • function: The name of the function you want to call.
  • description: A description of what the function will do.
  • totalGasLimit: A default gas limit (once this amount of gas is spent the user will be prompted to re-preapprove transactions). The user can change this value.
  • maxTransactionCount: A default for the maximum number of transactions that can be completed before the user is prompted to re-preapprove more transactions. The user can change this value.
import { ethos } from 'ethos-connect'

function App() {
  const { wallet } = ethos.useWallet()

  const preapprove = useCallback(async () => {
    if (!wallet) return

    try {
      const result = await wallet.requestPreapproval({
        packageObjectId: contractAddress,
        objectId: activeGameAddress,
        module: 'game_8192',
        function: 'make_move',
          'Pre-approve moves in the game so you can play without signing every transaction.',
        totalGasLimit: 500000,
        maxTransactionCount: 25,

      preapproval = result.approved
    } catch (e) {
      console.log('Error requesting preapproval', e)
      preapproval = false
  }, [wallet])

  return <>...</>


Prompts the user to sign a message.

import { ethos } from 'ethos-connect'

function App() {
  const { wallet } = ethos.useWallet()

  const sign = useCallback(async () => {
    if (!wallet) return

    try {
      const result = await wallet.signPersonalMessage({
        message: 'sign me!',
    } catch (e) {
      console.log('Error signing message', e)
  }, [wallet])

  return <>...</>

Signed messages can be verified using library calls from the @mysten/sui.js sdk that are packaged in ethos-connect and ethos-connect-vue.

import { ethos, verifyMessage, IntentScope } from 'ethos-connect';

const Sign = () => {
  const { wallet } = ethos.useWallet();

  const sign = useCallback(async () => {
    try {
      const message = new TextEncoder().encode('hello');
      const response = await wallet?.signMessage({ message });
      console.log("Sign result: ", response)

      const { signature } = response;
      const verified = await verifyMessage(message, signature, IntentScope.PersonalMessage);

      console.log("Message verified: ", verified)
    } catch (e) {
      console.log("Error signing message", e);
  }, [wallet]);

  return (
    <button onClick={sign}>
      Sign the message &quot;Hello&quot;


Prompts the user to sign a transaction but does not execute it.

import { useCallback } from 'react'
import { ethos, TransactionBlock } from 'ethos-connect'

function App() {
  const contractAddress = '0x1cbfdf7de5004f887705fa53bb345d4372e5004bd8b04a6f8868f5e1ca1af9c7'
  const { wallet } = ethos.useWallet()

  const signTransaction = useCallback(async () => {
    if (!wallet) return

    try {
      const transactionBlock = new TransactionBlock();
      const nft = mintTransactionBlock.moveCall({
        target: `${contractAddress}::ethos_example_nft::mint`,
        arguments: [
          mintTransactionBlock.pure("Ethos Example NFT"),
          mintTransactionBlock.pure("A sample NFT from Ethos Wallet."),
        mintTransactionBlock.pure('0xb0e24ba1afc3d2f5e348b569e72e94cf20ec2cecf3cd27edea1c3ad628e5374c', 'address')

      const response = await wallet.signTransactionBlock({

      console.log("Sign result: ", response)
    } catch (e) {
      console.log("Error signing transaction", e);

  return (
    <button onClick={signTransaction}>Sign Transaction</button>